Friday, 28 February 2020

reminders for the week of Mar 2-6, 2020

Hello Families:
Please remember that anytime there is an Inclement Weather Day on a day when Greek Lunch (Mondays), Pizza Lunch (Thursdays), or Sushi Lunch (Fridays) are scheduled to take place, that the lunch delivery will be cancelled and rescheduled for an alternate date at the end of the term.

Please also remember that anytime your child is going to be absent from school, be it when buses are cancelled or not, you must notify the school. The easiest way to do this is through EDSBY, or you may call or email the school office.

When buses are cancelled in the morning, they will not be running in the afternoon and your children need to be picked up at 3:40 pm. Please communicate in advance with your child as to how they will be getting home at the end of the day.

Here are some other reminders too:
1) Monday is Day 3 of our cycle
2) Wednesday is Library, Day 5 of our cycle
3) Our M.W.W. words for week #14 are sight words and "ug" family words:
         other     about       out      many     bug    hug    rug    mug
Please remember to have them complete their activity sheet and bring back to school by Friday.
4) We are growing!   We might need some extra snacks or a bigger lunch to satisfy us.  Let us help you make lunch! We are great helpers!
5) March newsletter will be sent home on Monday March 2
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or ask.
Have a wonderful last weekend of February with your children.
Mrs. Petramala

Sunday, 23 February 2020

Reminders for our week Feb. 24-28

Hello Families:
Here are some reminders for our upcoming week.
1) Monday is Day 3 of our cycle
2) Wednesday  is Day 5 and it's Library day.  Keep up with the daily reading!
3) Our M.W.W. words for week #13 are sight words and short u words
          their     if     will     up     cut     nut    hut    shut
The worksheet will be due by Friday.
4) Wednesday February 26, is Pink Shirt Day.  Pink Shirt Day is a globally recognized day in support of anti-bullying, upstanding behaviour and simple acts of kindness. On February 26, 2020, we are encouraged to practice kindness and wear pink to show that we do not tolerate bullying. In honour of Pink Shirt Day, YRDSB Caring and Safe Schools is looking to celebrate the everyday upstanders, those students who stand up to bullying and/or exemplify kindness in their schools.
Have a wonderful rest of the weekend with your children!
Mrs. Petramala

Saturday, 15 February 2020

Our week Feb. 18-21

Hello Families:
There is no school on Monday February 17, it's Family Day!  Hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day too.  We had fun creating our Acrostic Love Poems for you too!
Here are some reminders for our upcoming week.
1) Tuesday is Day 4 of our cycle
2) Wednesday is Library day- please return all levelled readers and picture books that day
3) There will be no M,W,W, words next week it's a short week
4) Our Poetry Folder will be due back on Tuesday,  The Poem was about 100 days of school.  We are to write using transition words, (first, then, next and finally) what we would do if we found $100!
4) Assessment folders went home last week, please note their Reading and Writing goals for Term 2.
Wishing you all a wonderful Family Day weekend with your children!
Mrs Petramala

Friday, 7 February 2020

reminders for the week of Feb. 10-14

Hello Families:
Our week ahead is going to be busy.  We will be having our Valentine's Celebration on Wednesday, February 12.  On Friday, February 14, we will be having our Fundraiser Dance.  We dance from 11:30-12:15 pm.  All  are welcome to come and join! Please remember that the Pledge forms are due back by February 13.  Thank you for those who have contributed.  We will also be celebrating our 100's Day on Friday as well.  We will be having a spirit day that day too, you can wear RED, WHITE or PINK to celebrate Valentine's Day!
Here are some other reminders for you:
1) Monday is Day 4 of our cycle
2) We will do a book exchange on Wednesday, February 12.  Please make sure they have their Library books for that day.
3) M.W.W. worksheet will be due on Friday and our words for Week #12 are: sight words and short o blend words:     which    she   do   how   sock   rock   block   clock
4) Our Poetry Folder will be handed out on Wednesday, February 12, it will be due on Tuesday, February 18.
5) The Science Booklet will be due on Wednesday, February 12 instead of February 11 as first stated.
6) Please speak with your child regarding their likes and dislikes for their lunches.  There are often sad faces at lunch.  I try my best to get them to eat as much as they can.  Have them help you prepare their lunches so they know what is for lunch.  If you drop off lunch, please do so by 1pm.
7) Please make note of our dance schedule change.  WE are now dancing from 11:30am to 12:15pm
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend with your children.
Mrs. Petramala