Saturday, 2 January 2021

Our week for Jan.4-8 2021

Hello and Happy New Year!  I will be posting lessons on our google classroom this week.  We all know how to log on.  We have our username and password in our agendas. Please also reference the email I have sent you previously in the year as well to support the log on process.  I have made our google classroom  as user friendly as possible.  Please do not feel you have to print any pages.  You can always put on another piece of paper or do all lessons orally.   Please work at a pace that is best for your child and family.  I will be having a live google meet starting on Jan.5 at 11-11:30am to help support you in any way I can.  All your child has to do is on the home page click on the link at 11 am on Tuesday January 5 and we will be connected.  I too share a device with my youngest so that is a time that works for all.  You can always email me as well and I will get back to you as quickly as possible.  Here's to a great 2021!

Take care and have a great weekend with your children.

Mrs. Petramala