Friday, 28 April 2023

Our week for May 1- May 5 (Talent Show and Basket Donations)

 Hello Grade One Families:

We will be celebrating Mental Health week.  Here is a list of what we will be doing each day.

Monday - Mindfulness (5 minute mindful minute over the PA at announcements)

Tuesday - Take care of yourself

Wednesday - Wellness (Walk to school and School Wide DPA at 11:20 - spirit day - Wear Bright Colours)

Thursday - Thoughtfulness

Friday - Focus/fun

Here are some reminders for our upcoming week.  Please read below for an important note about our Talent Show Auditions and our Donations for our Classroom Basket.  This basket will be included in the 10 year anniversary party on June 8th.  All baskets will be on display outside the Learning Commons on Tuesday June 6.  

1) Monday is Day 5 of our cycle.

2) Library is Day 2 and it will be on Wednesday.

3) Our MWW words for Week # 20 are sight words and 'ell' family words

no bell could people tell fell sell well

Our worksheet is due back by Friday 

4) The theme for our classroom basket is Sleepover Party Kit- item suggestions are :

candy, chocolate, games, nail polish, face mask, eye mask, cards, bubbles, whatever you feel your children would love to do at a Sleepover Party or a money donation valued at $10.  Please have all donations brought to school by Friday May 19.  All donations are greatly appreciated.  Thank you to those who have contributed already.  


Auditions for our Talent Show begin on Monday, May 8th! If your child has signed up for the talent show, please read the information, look at the schedule below and share with your child. This will also be explained at school!

For morning recess auditions, students who are signed up to play the piano should go to the music room at 10:50am with their snack and wait outside the music room to be called by the team of teacher judges.

For lunchtime auditions, students who are signed up to audition for anything except for the piano should go to the gym at 1pm with their lunch and wait outside the gym until the team of teacher judges arrive. They will then sit in the gym quietly during the auditions. 

Once their audition is completed they can go back to their classroom or outside following their recess schedule! Criteria for judging: talented, rehearsed/prepared, creativity/originality, overall performance.

Talent Show Auditions


May 8

Day 5


May 9

Day 1


May 10

Day 2


May 11

Day 3


May 12 

Day 4

Morning Recess in Music Room at 10:50

*Piano auditions

Grade 3 

Grade 4

Grade 5&6

Grade 1 

Grade 2

Lunch Hour in Gym

*All auditions except piano at 1pm

Grade 1 

Grade 2

Grade 3 

Grade 4

Grade 5 & 6

Lunch Hour

in Music Room


1pm - one student playing piano


1:30 - all other auditions

Grade 7 & 8



Students will be notified on Friday, May 12th if they made it to the performances!


Thursday, May 25th @2pm. Parents are welcome to come watch. Dress rehearsal @11:20.​

Thursday, June 8th @5:30pm at our 10-Year Anniversary Celebration

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or ask.

Have a wonderful weekend with your children.

Mrs. Petramala🌞