Friday, 23 February 2024

Our week for February 26-Mar 1, 2024

 Hello Grade One Families:

We will be celebrating PINK SHIRT DAY on Wednesday February 28, 2024.  February 28, 2024, is Pink Shirt Day which is a globally recognized day to support anti-bullying, upstanding behaviour, and simple acts of kindness.

We will be learning acts of kindess all week.  We will wear shades of pink.

Here are some reminders for our upcoming week.

1) Monday is Day 3 of our cycle.

2) Tuesday is Library.  Please return books on this day, as there is limited times we can go to the Library on other days.

3) Reading Logs for February can now be handed in.  Please try and read for 10min/day. :)

4) Our MWW words for Lesson #48 are: ch words and sight words

chip chum much lunch pinch check  talk walk

Sentences  1. We chat at lunch. 2. That was such a fun walk!  

Our Decodable Story is called Chips and Dip

5) We will be presenting our Playgrounds to the class.  We will use our Science words: Span a Gap, Support a Load and Contain (shelter)

We have had lots of fun being Engineers!

6) Mestre Sérgio Xocolate Arts Presentation will be on Thursday February 29 @ 9:30 am.  

7) Save the Date:  Our Recognition Awards Assembly will be held on Thursday March 7.  Those who are receiving an award will be notified in their agendas this week.  More to follow.

8) We are in desperate need for kleenex.  If you could spare a box, our noses would be greatful!  Thank you for those who have donated boxes already.  It is really appreciated!

9) Our March newsletter will go home later this week.

10) Report Cards have been distrubted electronically via your child's GAPPS account.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or ask.

Have a healthy and happy weekend with your children.

Mrs. Petramala😃

Friday, 16 February 2024

Our Week for February 20-23, 2024

 Hello Grade One Families:

We went home with our Poetry Folders.  Our worksheet is due back on Tuesday.  We had a busy week and had alot of fun learning.  We are 100 days smarter too!  We have our Winter Electives on Wednesday February 21.  Please see letter attached.  This letter also went home on Thursday.  

Here are some reminders for our upcoming week.

1) Tuesday is Day 4 and it's Library too

2) Wednesday is Elective Day!  Please see letter attached as to what is needed and expected.  

3) There are no MWW words for the week, we have Family Day on Monday.

4) Please contine to Read and Log in their Februrary Reading log sheet.  We need to be reading aloud 10 min/day minimum.  

5) Our Assessment Folder will be coming home shortly.  Please refer to the Reading and Writing Goals for Term 2.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or ask.

Have a wonderful Family Day weekend with your children!

Mrs. Petramala👪

Primary Winter Electives are coming up!

When: Wednesday Feb 21, 2024

Bus Departure from school: 9:30 am sharp!

Bus Departure from ROC: 1:30 pm

(arriving back to Rick Hansen PS around 2pm)

What I need to bring to have fun!

  • Dress appropriately for the weather ( winter jacket, snow pants, winter boots, hat, mitts/gloves)

  • Backpack with Lunch inside (extra mitts)

  • Boomerang Lunch/snacks/water bottle/juice box

  • No food will be available for purchase

  • All parent volunteers will need to have an Appendix 1B form filled out and brought with them to the ROC.  There is lots of parking on site.  Please bring your lunch too.  

We are looking forward to Tubing and Tobogganing and a day filled with fun memories. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher.

The Primary Team

Friday, 9 February 2024

Our week for February 12-16, 2024

 Hello Grade One Families:

Happy Lunar New Year to all who celebrate!  

Here are some reminders for our upcoming week.

1) Monday is Day 4 of our cycle and it's Library too.

We will have a special presentation from Alyssa and her mom on Monday 🧧

We will be engaging in Lunar New Year activities throughout the week.  

2) Our MWW words for Lesson # 47 are:  th words and sight words

thin thud bath with cloth tenth were

Our MWW worksheet is due back by Friday.  Our Decodable Reader is called Thump! Thump! Thud!

3) We will have a Lion's Dance presentation on Monday afternoon.

4) We are celebrating our 100th Day of School on Tuesday February 13th.

We will engage in activities that deal with 100!

5) Wednesday is Valentine's Day!  We will engage in Valentine activities all day!

6) Term One Report Cards will be distruted electronically via your child's GAPPS account shortly.  Please refer to communication sent via the school.

7) All materials and lose parts are due to the school by Friday February 16 so we can start to build our playgrounds the week of February 20.  Any lose parts from home is appreciated so we can be Engineers!  Thank you for your contributions so far. 

8) Upcoming Event- Winter Electives at the ROC- Wednesday February 21.  A note will be coming home later this week.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call/email or write in your child's agenda.

Have a wonderful weekend with your children! 🎇

Mrs. Petramala

Thursday, 1 February 2024

Our week for Feb 5-9, 2024

 Hello Grade One Families:

Our February newsletter went home this week.  In it, is our learning targets for the month.  As well as a class list if you will be participating in Valentine's Day Exchange.  We have an exciting month ahead.  We have our 100th Day of school on February 13th too!  We are entering Term 2.  Our expectations for learning are changing and we will be learning to use checklists and keep track of our learning goals.  Next Assessment Folder in February you will receive a Mid Year Check in for Reading and Writing.  I am so proud of how far they have all come.  Thank you for being partners in your child's education. 

Here are some reminders for our upcoming week:

1) Monday is Day 4 of our cycle and it's Library too.

2) Gym is Day 4 & Day 5, please be dressed appropriately to participate.

3) Our MWW words for Lesson # 46 are: th words 

that then them this than they their

Our worksheet will be due back by Friday.  Our Decodable Reader is called This or That

4) We went home with our Poetry Folder too.  We are to read with our best expression and complete the activity sheet and bring back on Monday.

5) Walk to School is on Wednesday February 7.  It's a SPIRIT DAY too!  It's RED, WHITE or PINK DAY!

6) We went home with our Assessment Folders too.  Please look at all our amazing work and send the folder back on Monday.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or ask.
Have a wonderful weekend with your children.
Mrs. Petramala 💓