Friday, 25 October 2024

Our week for October 28- Nov.1

 Hello Grade One Families:

We will be having a Halloween Curriculum Day on Thursday October 31.  Please see below for the letter that was sent home earlier this week.

Here are some reminders for our upcoming week.

1) Monday is Day 2 of our cycle.

2) Wednesday is Day 4 and it is Library.

3) We will be having MWW words this week.  They are short 'i' and heart words

Lesson # 36 : fit him dip pig kid win 💓words: to do of see

Sentences: 1) Do I dim it?  2) The kid said to fix it.

Our MWW worksheet will be due back by Friday.

Our Decodable passage is called Gil and His Pig.  This passage is to be kept in the Blue Home Reading Folder.  Please try and have your child read it 3-4 times for fluency and comprehension.  We have a copy at school that we read to self daily with.  Please remember to fill in their Monthly Reading Log and send back after 20 days of reading!  We get to pick from our surprise bucket.  

There will be no dictation next week as Friday November 1 is Diwali.

4) Tuck Shop starts on Friday November 1.  Information was sent out via the Family weekly.  There are no cash sales available on Tuck Shop days.

5) Our Friday Letter went home today, please help read with your child and send back to school on Monday.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me via email or your child's agenda.

Happy Diwali to all who celebrate. 

Have a wonderful weekend with your children.  Please click on the link for our Halloween Letter.

Mrs. Petramala 🍂

Friday, 18 October 2024

Our week for Tuesday October 22- 25, 2024

 Hello Grade One Families:

We wrote our Friday Letter as a Recount today.  We are learning to write what happened in order.  We are learning to write in complete sentences too.

Here are some reminders for our upcoming week.

1) Monday is a PA Day, there is no school.

2) Tuesday is Day 3 of our cycle.

3) Wednesday is LIBRARY- Day 4 (Please make sure we have our Library books/bag so that we can exchange.  There is limited time during the week to exchange besides our Day 4.

4) Gym is Day 2 and Day 5, please make sure we have appropriate footwear to participate.

5) There are no MWW words this week as it's a short week.

6) Our Poetry Folder went home today.  We are to read our poem 5 Little Pumpkins with expression and complete the activity sheet.  It is due back on Tuesday.

7) Thursday October 24th is Take Me Outside Day.  We will be outside engaging in a Read Aloud called Fletcher and the Falling Leaves

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or ask.

Have a wonderful weekend with your children.

Mrs. Petramala🌞

Friday, 11 October 2024

Our week for October 15-18, 2024


Hello Grade One Families:

We wrote in our Friday Letters and created a homemade card about what we are thankful for.  Please help us read it outloud this weekend.  We are really thankful for our family.

Here are some reminders for our upcoming week.

1) Monday is Thanksgiving and there is no school.  Enjoy your family time.

2) Tuesday is Day 4 and it's Library.

3) There will be no MWW words this week as it's a short week.  Please contine to read from the decodable sites that were listed on our Reading Strategy sheet in our Blue Reading Folder.  Below are 2  new free Decodable Sites to snuggle up and read with.

We are learning to read with fluency and expression too.  We read our Decodable passage each day to build on our phrasing and fluency.

4) Please make sure you send their agendas daily.  This is how we communicate from school to home.  

5) We went home with our Assessment Folders.  Please look at all our amazing work and you can keep their work at home.  Please sign the 2 assessment pieces and return on Tuesday.

6) Upcoming:  Monday October 21, 2024 is a PA Day there will be no school this day.

To all those who celebrate Yom Kippur "Gamar hatimah tovah.” 

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or ask.

Have a Happy Gobble Gobble with your family.

Mrs. Petramala🦃

Friday, 4 October 2024

Our Week for October 7-11, 2024


Hello Grade One Families:

Next week we will be starting our MWW (Making Words Work) Program (aka Spelling).  On Monday we will be writing our words out in our Agendas.  We also will be bringing home a YELLOW DUOTANG called MWW (Making Words Work).  We have a worksheet that will be due back by Friday.

In it, is a letter about our Spelling Program.  Please read at your earliest convenience as it explains what we do each day to make our words work for us.  There are supplementary activities as well if you'd like to expand their activities for the week.  
    We also will be coming home with our Blue Reading Folder.  We are to keep it at home as we will be putting in our Decodable passages in it.  We will be reading these passages as a whole class on Mondays when we have MWW words.  Both the MWW words and Decodable Passages match.  

Here are some reminders for our upcoming week.

1) Monday is Day 4 of our cycle and it's Library

2) Our MWW words for Lesson #35 are:  short a words and 💗words

map rat sad lap bag tab 💗 the I a said

Our worksheet is due back by Friday and we will be having a dictation on Friday.

Our sentences are:  

1. The cat sat.

2. I said I had a bag.

3) Gym is on Day 2 and Day 5 (please have appropriate footwear to participate)

5) We now have our AGENDAS!  We need these daily as well as our BEE bags as this is a crucial part of our communication this year.  In it on the first page, you will find your child's username and password for their student account.  We have a sticky bookmark to mark off our date.  Please keep there. :)

6) Our Friday Letter went home.  Please read with us about our week.  We are generating ideas.  

7) Battery Drive- Oct.1-Oct.31.  Please help our school recycle batteries.  Bring them to school and drop off outside the Library.  Thank you for all your support!

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or ask.

Have a wonderful weekend with your children.

Mrs. Petramala📓