Friday, 26 October 2018

Reminders for the week of Oct. 29- Nov.2

Hi Families:
Here are some reminders for our upcoming week:
1) Monday is Day 2 of our cycle
2) We dance on Wednesday from 10-10:45 am.  All are welcome!
3) Please make sure your child's costume is dance friendly.  No masks please, swords or guns.  If you chose to send a treat with your child that day, please make sure it is peanut free.  We cannot distribute treats to other children. 
4) Thank you for contributing to our Fundraiser.  All proceeds go towards all the cool and exciting things we have to offer at our school!  There is still time to participate.  For every $5 your child will get a ballot that they can get a chance to win some very cool things!
5) Please make sure you read the EDSBY note that went home a while ago.  In it, is pertinent info regarding Parent Teacher/Student Led Conferences.  More info will be shared with you on Nov. 5 on how to sign up. 
6) Photo retake day is Friday, November 2. Please just let me know in their agendas if you would like them to have a photo retake. 
As always, if you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to call or ask!
Have a wonderful weekend with your children!
Mrs. Petramala