Friday, 30 November 2018

Reminders for the week of Dec.3-7

Hi families:
Thank you for all your help in assisting your child with learning the Honesty Rap.  They were so excited today to perform and looked amazing too! 
Here are some reminders for you:
1) Monday is Day 1 of our cycle and it's Library.
2) Dec.3-Dec 14 our school will be collecting NEW mitts and hats and gently used coats for donation to the Lions Club Coats for kids.  All your support will be greatly appreciated.
3) Dec 5 is Walk to School Day and we will have a SPIRIT DAY.  It will be wear your PJ's all day!  Students are allowed to bring in their favorite stuffed animal too, to snuggle up and read with.
4) Skate Exchange Sale is on Dec. 13 at 3:45-6pm.  A letter outlining the process was sent home last week in your child's BEE bag.
5) Dec. 13 is our Primary Holiday Assembly.  Students will be performing in the afternoon and an evening performance.  The performance at night will begin at 6:30pm.  An email was sent out school wide on Friday, November 30.  More information to follow.  What an exciting time of year!
6) Please return your Elective Forms by Dec. 7.  We have 2 fun filled days allocated to Electives in January.  If you are able to assist for the 2 days (or for one),  please let me know as soon as possible.  We would love to have you join us!  As with any school trip, an up to date Police Check is required.
7) Scholastic orders are due Dec. 5
8) Popcorn and healthy cookies are sold on Tues/Thurs. for $1.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or ask.  Have a wonderful weekend with your children.
Mrs. Petramala