Friday, 14 December 2018

Reminders for the week of Dec.17-21

What a wonderful performance your children did yesterday for the Concert!  They were so excited to perform in front of a big crowd!  Thank you to all that came!
Here are some reminders for the upcoming week.
1) Monday is Day 1 of our Cycle and it's Library Day.
2) Popcorn/cookies are sold Tues/Thurs for $1
3) Please read through the Social Studies Project with your child and set up a schedule to start preparing them for January.  If you need another information sheet, please let me know.
4) Keep reading their leveled readers and picture books.  Reading out loud for at least 3-4 times/weekly is key for their success in building their strategies and fluency.  Pause and ponder as you go too.  Ask questions like: Who are the characters? What's the plot?  Where's the setting take place?  What do you think is going to happen next?  Retell the story from beginning, middle and end.  What was your favorite part?  Make connections to the text.  Does this story remind you of anything?
5) M.W.W. (Making Words Work) words- the activity sheet given on Monday is due on Friday. If you do a bit each night, it won't be overwhelming.  Having a bit of review each day will keep up their stamina and will help build their word knowledge too.  Posting their words on a visible spot, like a fridge or wall in their bedroom will help with this.  They can chant them every day too.
6) Assessment Folders were given out today.  Lots of great work we've done.  Take a moment with your child and have them orally reflect on their work. 
Have a wonderful weekend with your children!
Mrs. Petramala