Monday, 30 March 2020

Moving forward

Hello Families:
This week I have started to contact you by phone to connect and say hello.  I have left a few messages on some cell phones too.  I will do my best to reconnect throughout the week.  It is important that you have read the email from the board regarding access to technology.  If you do not have access please fill out the survey so that data can be collected.  You can access the email on the board website.  Also......

I have granted you access to an amazing recourse at  This is a wonderful tool to help building reading skills. I encourage parents and guardians to request access to the Parent Portal by clicking the Parents button on I have already approved Parent Portal access from my Roster page.  I only put parents emails that I have on file so not every parent will have access.  If you need me to add an email, let me know.  I will email you directly the username and password shortly.  If this doesn't work, let me know at my board email and we will navigate together.  This resource is only available till the end of June. I will update you with further information as it is given.  My google classroom will be up and running shortly.
My board email is
It was nice hearing their voices today.  I miss them! :( Thank you for being partners in your child's education.  I so appreciate it!
Another great FREE site is Scholastic learn at home.  There you can go to Grade One and you can be divided up by week 1 and so on.  There are books that can be read to you, then you read and comprehension tasks and interactive games too that's at their grade level.  Please check this one out.
Stay well
Mrs. Petramala

Here are some resources you might like.

Username: dsbyork      password : dsby7692

Scholastic :