Hello Grade 1/2 Families:
I am so glad to have all of your children in my class. I use this blog to aid in communicating what is going on in our classroom.
Here are some reminders for our upcoming week.
1) Bring your BEE bag everyday
2) Please read and sign your child's agenda daily. All pertinent information goes in there
3) Please send extra clothes that can be left at school in a bag with your child's name on it. We also need indoor shoes for daily wear and Gym too.
4) Please send extra masks too!
5) We get hungry and thirsty, so extra snacks and more water too!
We will be working on our School Rules next week and building our classroom community.
If you ever have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask. You can leave a note in your child's agenda or email me at judith.petramala@yrdsb.ca
Looking forward to being partners in your child's education this year!
Kind regards
Judith Petramala