Hello Families:
We will be talking about Safety at school all week and we will be going outside for a Story Walk on Tuesday October 19 in the afternoon. Please have your child dress appropriately to be outside for our story walk that day. It is PURPLE DAY on Thursday October 21. Please wear something purple that day for our SPIRIT DAY!
Here are some reminders for our upcoming week.
1) Monday is Day 2 of our cycle.
2) Our MWW words for Week #2 are:
Grade 1- to in is you man can ran pan
Grade 2- as has fox box mix egg jam pet nap big Bonus Words: sister brother
Our MWW worksheet is due by Friday
3) Our STARS ⭐are due on Monday October 18. We will be presenting them to our classmates.
4) Our Poetry Folders went home and are due back on Monday.
5) Our Assessment Folders went home too. Please look at and review with your child all the amazing work they are doing. Please return the red folder on Monday.
6) Library is on Wednesday Day 4.
7) Our Digital Curriculum Night is on Thursday October 21. I will be posting a slide show in our google classroom for you to enjoy!
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or ask.
Have a wonderful weekend with your children.
Mrs. Petramala