Sunday, 13 February 2022

Our Week for February 14-18

 Hello Families:

We will be celebrating lots this upcoming week.  First, we will be celebrating Valentine's Day on Monday and on Friday February 18th, we will be celebrating our 100th Day of School!  It's going to be a great week of celebrating!

Here are some reminders for our upcoming week:

1) Our MWW words for Week #14 are:

Grade 1: other about out many bug hug rug mug

Grade 2: boat coat float long along belong paw fawn tall wall Bonus: Valentine love

Our MWW worksheets will be due back by Friday

2) Monday is Day 4 of our cycle and it is Library Day too

3) Gym is Day 4 and Day 5 of our cycle

4) Please dress appropriately for the weather and have extra clothes, masks and please make sure we have indoor shoes that fit.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask.

Have a wonderful week with your children.

Mrs. Petramala💟