Friday, 3 May 2024

Our week for May 6-10, 2024

Hello Grade One Families:

Please help us with donations for our Basket.  A letter went home regarding our theme.  We are collecting items that could be use for a FAMILY ROAD TRIP.  

Items you could donate are: 

-items valued at $10 or more  or a $10 cash donation

-activity books, drinks, chips, gum, travel mugs, markers, paper, note books, journals, crayons, snacks, stickers etc.

The deadline for donations is Friday May 17th.  All baskets will be on dispaly outside the Learning Commons on Wednesday June 5.  Rick Hansen Summer Sizzler Fun Fair is on Thursday June 6!

Thank you for those who have contributed so far.  It is really appreciated!

Here are some reminders for our upcoming week.

1) Monday is Day 1 of our cycle.

2) Our MWW words for Lesson #55 are: Long i and 💓 Heart Words

bike    fine    kite   life   slide   spike  by      my

Our sentences are:

 1. We will be there by five. 

2. The white rack can fit nine bikes.

Our Decodable Reader is called Kites for Sale

Our worksheet is due back by Friday every week.

3) Library is closed next week. There is no book exchange.

4) Gym is on Day 4 and Day 5, please make sure we are dressed properly to participate.

5) Movie Night is on Thursday May 9. Please review Family eblasts regarding this.

6) It is MENTAL HEALTH week at school next week. We will be able to engage in fun learning activities at Snack Recess every day of the week in the Learning Commons. Please see below:

The first week of May is Mental Health Week. The Healthy Schools Kids Club will be organizing several activities happening in classrooms throughout the day and at snack recess for students to participate in. 

Monday - Mindful Monday - Spin the Wheel Activities happening at snack recess
Tuesday - Time Out Tuesday - Interactive banner happening at snack recess
Wednesday - Wind Down Wednesday - Colouring pages offered at snack recess
Thursday - Treat Yourself Thursday - Emoji Mood Meter at snack recess

Friday - Fun Friday - Maker Space in the learning commons at snack recess and The Big Crunch at 2:45

7) Our Assessment Folder went home today, please look at all the amazing work we have done and send back on Monday with our Friday Letter.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or ask.

Have a wonderful weekend with your children.

Mrs. Petramala💟