Hello Grade One Families:
Here are some reminders for our 2nd week of Grade 1 Fun!
1) Your child went home with a Red Duotang called FRIDAY LETTER. In it is a parent note explaining why we do it. Please help support your child read it, sign it and return every Monday in their GREY BEE BAG.
2) Please return the GREY BEE BAG daily as we will put important Grade One notes in it.
3) We also went home with our LIBRARY BAGS. Our Library Day is Day 4 each cycle. Please enjoy reading picture books with your child. Our Reading Program will be starting shortly. More information about our Reading at school/home will go home shortly. Please stay tuned.
4) Monday is Day 5 of our cycle and it's Gym. Please have appropriate footwear to participate. Our Gym Days are 2 & 5.
5) Please return as soon as possible GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CHILD paper to school.
6) Please send lots of healthy snacks, we are growing and get hungry as we learn lots. :)
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or ask.
Have a wonderful weekend with your children.
Mrs. Petramala✐