Friday, 7 March 2025

Our week for March 17-21, 2025


1) March Break is from March 10-14.  There is no school.  Students have gone home with their indoor shoes and their extra clothes too.  Please make sure they all still fit and return March 17.

2) School resumes Monday March 17 (Day 3) Wear Green too!  It's St. Patrick's Day!

3) Library is on Tuesday (Day 4) Please remember to bring back their books.  Don't forget to Read and Log too!

4) Our MWW words for Lesson # 48 are: 'ch' words and Heart words

chip chum much lunch pinch check   πŸ’“talk, walk

Our Sentences  are: 1. We chat at lunch. 2. That was such a fun walk!

Our Decodable Passage is called Chips and Dip  Please have your child read this passage 3-4 times during the week for fluency and comprehension.

Our worksheet is due back by Friday.  

5) We have Gym Day 2 and Day 5.  We need appropriate footwear to participate.

6) We will be building our playgrounds this week.  I do have some materials the students are able to use, however, bringing reusable materials from home will support our creativity.  We have learned about fasteners, so if you are able to send in some tape/glue that would be so appreciative. 


 Daylight Saving Time starts on Sunday March 9- Change clocks ahead one hour.

8) Below are some free Decodable Websites to support our reading.

a) Reading Universe

b) Reading Doctor

c) Right to Read Initiative (go under the Resources tab)

Don't forget to check the Aurora Public Library for some exciting events that happen each day over the break too!

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or ask.

Happy International Women's Day to all our wonderful women in our lives!

Have a wonderful March Break with your families!

Mrs. PetramalaπŸ‘ͺ

Friday, 28 February 2025

Our week for March 3-7, 2025

Wishing all who celebrate Ramadan "Ramadan Mubarak"

Here are some reminders for our upcoming week.
1) Monday is Day 3 of our cycle.
2) There will be no MWW words for this week.  😊
3) Library is on Tuesday Day 4 of our cycle.  Please remember to bring back their books.
4) We will be having a SPIRIT WEEK all week.  Please see below to see what each day of the week is.


5) Please have your child practice their poem they chose from their Poetry Booklets.  We will be having our Poetry Cafe on Wednesday March 5.  No need to memorize.  
6) Our Winter Concert for the Community is on Tuesday March 4 from 2-3:40pm.  
7) Our Rick Hansen Recognition Assembly will be on Thursday March 27, 2025.  Those who are receiving an award will be notified after March Break.  
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or ask.
Have a wonderful weekend with your children. 
Mrs. Petramala πŸ–‰

Friday, 21 February 2025

Our week for February 24-28, 2025

We will wear PINK to stand up to bullying on Wednesday February 26!

Pink Shirt Day began in 2007 when a student in Nova Scotia was bullied for wearing a pink shirt to school. It has since been recognized annually worldwide as a day to stand against bullying.

Here are some reminders for our upcoming week.
1) Monday is Day 3 of our cycle.
2) Tuesday is Library (Day 4)
3) Our MWW words for Lesson # 47 are:  th (unvoiced) and a Heart Word
thin thud bath with cloth tenth πŸ’“ were
Sentences:  1. Are you with Beth? 2. They were in math class.
Our Decodable Passage is called Chips and Dip 
Our worksheet is due back by Friday.
4) We went home with our Friday Letter.  Please read and send back on Monday.
5) On Thursday we went home with our Materials Hunt Letter.  We will be building playgrounds out of Materials from home after March Break. Please bring recyclable/materials found at home by March 17, 2025. Below is the actual letter for your reference.
Thank you to all who helped volunteer at the ROC.  I hope you had fun making memories with your children!
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask.
Have a wonderful weekend with your children.
Mrs. Petramala πŸ’—

February 20, 2025

Attention:  Parents

Going on a Material Hunt

As part of our Materials, Objects and Everyday Structures unit, we are going to do a STEM project at school.  We are in need of materials to be brought to school by Monday ,March 17, 2025. We are going to be Engineers and we are going to build a playground structure out of everyday objects/materials from home.

Some materials we are going to using could be:

-paper towel/toilet paper rolls

-canned tins (no sharp edges)

-popsicle sticks/pipe cleaners/straws/toothpicks

-milk/juice/tetra cartons (cleaned)

-tinfoil/wrapper containers/plastic containers

-loose parts


-lego pieces


-paper/plastic cups


-other (whatever they really want to use to be engineers) πŸ™‚

I have enclosed a rubric of how we will be marked.  This is part of our final mark and we are learning to present orally in front of the class too.

We will use our Science words like:

-span a gap, contain an object, support a load, rigid, flexible,stable 

I will provide the base of their playground (bristol board/box lid).   If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or ask.

Thank you for your support. Mrs. Petramala

Friday, 14 February 2025

Our week for February 18-21, 2025


Family Day is Monday February 17 there is no school that day!  Enjoy every minute with your children!
Here are some reminders for our upcoming week.
1) Tuesday is Day 4 of our cycle and it's Library.
2) There are no MWW words for the week. :)
3) Our Winter Electives are on Wednesday February 19, please see below a letter that was sent home on Tuesday to remind us of what we need to have fun at the ROC.
4) We went home with our Friday Letter and our Poetry Folder. (Poetry Folder is due back completed on Tuesday)
5) Our Assessment Folder went home too.  Please return on Tuesday.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or ask.
Have a wonderful family weekend with your children.
Mrs. PetramalaπŸ‘ͺ

Primary Winter Electives are coming up!

When: Wednesday February 19, 2025

Bus Departure from school: 9:30 am sharp!

Bus Departure from ROC: 1:30 pm

(arriving back to Rick Hansen PS around 2pm)

What I need to bring to have fun!

  • Dress appropriately for the weather ( winter jacket, snow pants, winter boots, hat, mitts/gloves)

  • Backpack with Lunch inside (extra mitts)

  • Boomerang Lunch/snacks/water bottle/juice box

  • No food will be available for purchase

  • All parent volunteers will need to have an Appendix 1B form filled out and brought with them to the ROC.  There is lots of parking on site.  Please bring your lunch too.  

We are looking forward to Tubing and Tobogganing and a day filled with fun memories. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher.

The Primary Team

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Our week for February 10-14, 2025


Hello Grade One Families:

We have an exciting week ahead.  We will be celebrating Valentine's Day and our 100th Day of school too! In our February newsletter that was sent out via EDSBY are our friends names.  If you plan to send in any treats, please make sure they are peanut free as we have some allergies in our class.  

We will be celebrating our 100th Day of School on Wednesday February 12.  We are celebrating a day later to include our Grade 2 friends who will be away for a Board Initiated Field Trip.  We will be engaging in activities around 100 that day!

Here are some reminders for our upcoming week.

1) Monday is Day 4 of our cycle and it's Library too.

2) Our MWW words for Lesson # 46 are:  'TH' words and Heart words:

that then them this than    πŸ’“ they, their

Our Sentences are: 

1. This is their dish. 2. They got them a ball. 

Our Decodabe Passage is called This and That

Our worksheet is due back by Friday.  

3) Gym days are Day 2 and Day 5.  Please make sure we have appropriate footwear to participate.  

4) We have SNOW much fun playing in the SNOW.  Please make sure we have extra socks, mitts and clothes as we are soaking wet when we come in from recess. 

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or ask.  

Have a wonderful weekend with your children.

Mrs. Petramala πŸ’•

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Our week for February 3-7, 2025


We went home with a Science experiment.  Instructions are in their agendas.  Watch and enjoy their own Water Cycle creations. 

Here are some reminders for our upcoming week.

1) Monday is Day 4 of our cycle and it's Library.

2) Our February newsletter was emailed out through EDSBY on Wednesday of last week.  Our Valentine Friends names are included too.

3) Gym is on Day 2 and 5.  We need appropriate footwear to participate.

4) Our MWW words for Lesson # 45 are: 'sh' words and πŸ’“words

shop shin shed dish lash crush πŸ’“ she we

Sentences  1. She has a fish. 2. We go get the trash

Our Decodable Reader is called The Ship   

Our worksheet is due back by Friday.

5) We went home with our Friday Letter and Assessment Folder.  Please look at all our amazing work we have done.  All work can be kept at home. Please return Assessment Folder empty on Monday and return Friday Letter folder too.

6) Wednesday February 5 is Walk to School Day.  It's a SPIRIT DAY TOO!  It's SPORTS DAY or WEAR SCHOOL COLOURS!

Don't forget that Friday January 31 is a PA DAY!

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or ask.

Have a wonderful weekend with your children. 

Happy Lunar New Year to all celebrate.🐍

Mrs. Petramala πŸ’§

Friday, 24 January 2025

Our week for January 27-30, 2025


Happy Lunar New Year to all our families that celebrate.  Please look at the family weekly to see some upcoming events at our school around Lunar New Year.

Here are some reminders for our upcoming week.

1) Monday is Day 5 of our cycle.

2) We have Gym on Day 5 and Day 2.  We need appropriate footwear to participate.

3) We will not be having any MWW words next week as it is a short week.

4) NO School on Friday January 31.  It's a PA Day.

5) We went home with our Friday Letter.  We are learning to 'Think it, Say it, Write it and Re-read our work to make sense.'

6) Over the weekend we are to orally explain how the Water Cycle works.  We will be doing a little experiment too next week aroud the Water Cycle.

7) We are entering Term 2 shortly.  We will be working on new learning goals for reading and writing.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or ask.

Have a wonderful weekend with your children.

Mrs. Petramala πŸ’§

Thursday, 16 January 2025

Our week for January 20-24, 2025


Hello Grade One Families:

Friday January 17, 2025 is a PA Day.  There is no school.  

Here are some reminders for our upcoming week.

1) Please fill out the ROC forms and send back to school once completed.  Our Winter Electives date is Wednesday February 19, 2025.  I will be sending more information regarding the ROC in February.  

2) We went home with our Poetry Folders.  We are to read the Poem New Year's Resolution  with phrasing and expressing.  We are to fill out the back side too.  It is due back on Monday.  

*Don't forget to Read and Log too!

3) We went home with our Friday Letter and our Assessment Folders.  Please send both back on Monday.

4) Our MWW words for Lesson # 44 are 'ck' words and πŸ’“ words

back deck sick rock duck stuck πŸ’“ goes says


 1. Does it lock? 2. He says to get a stick.

Our worksheet will be due back by Friday.

5) The Scholastic Order is due by January 24. 

6) Monday is Day 5 of our cycle. 

7) Library will be on Friday (Day 4)

8) Gym is Day 2 & Day 5 (we need appropriate footwear to participate)

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or ask.

Have a wonderful weekend with your children.

Mrs. Petramala ❄

Friday, 10 January 2025

Our week for January 13-16, 2025

 Hello Grade One Families:

We are learning to be more awesome than last year!

Please read our Friday Letter and see what goals we have for 2025 and highlights from 2024 too!

Here are some reminders for our upcoming week.

1) Monday is Day 1 of our cycle.

2) Friday is a PA Day!  There is no school. 

3) We have no MWW words this week. 

4) We went home with our Permission Forms for the ROC.  Please read through all the forms and send back to school fully completed once done.  There will be a stayback program.  The ROC is part of our Winter Electives.  The Primary Division will be going on Wednesday February 19, 2025.  The cost of the trip is $30.  This includes busing, rental and equipment use.  We will be departing Rick Hansen PS at 9:30 am and we will be returning after 2pm.  Payment is done via School Cash online.  The closing date for payment is in February.  All parents are welcome! It is free for you to attend.  However, you will need to drive up yourself.  There is tons of parking.  If you would like to attend this fun filled day with your child, let me know and I can send you the specifics.  More information will be sent home later this month.

Please click on the link to find out more information about the ROC.

5) Library is on Day 4 (Thursday). Please remember to read and log too!

6) Please dress your child appropriately for the weather.  We are outside weather permitting and temperature too for 2 recessess.

7) Movie Night is Thursday January 16 @ 6:30pm.  Information about this night was sent home via the family weekly.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or ask.

Have a wonderful weekend with your children.

Mrs. Petramala⛄