1) March Break is from March 10-14. There is no school. Students have gone home with their indoor shoes and their extra clothes too. Please make sure they all still fit and return March 17.
2) School resumes Monday March 17 (Day 3) Wear Green too! It's St. Patrick's Day!
3) Library is on Tuesday (Day 4) Please remember to bring back their books. Don't forget to Read and Log too!
4) Our MWW words for Lesson # 48 are: 'ch' words and Heart words
chip chum much lunch pinch check 💓talk, walk
Our Sentences are: 1. We chat at lunch. 2. That was such a fun walk!
Our Decodable Passage is called Chips and Dip Please have your child read this passage 3-4 times during the week for fluency and comprehension.
Our worksheet is due back by Friday.
5) We have Gym Day 2 and Day 5. We need appropriate footwear to participate.
6) We will be building our playgrounds this week. I do have some materials the students are able to use, however, bringing reusable materials from home will support our creativity. We have learned about fasteners, so if you are able to send in some tape/glue that would be so appreciative.
Daylight Saving Time starts on Sunday March 9- Change clocks ahead one hour.
8) Below are some free Decodable Websites to support our reading.
a) Reading Universe
b) Reading Doctor
c) Right to Read Initiative (go under the Resources tab)
Don't forget to check the Aurora Public Library for some exciting events that happen each day over the break too!
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or ask.
Happy International Women's Day to all our wonderful women in our lives!
Have a wonderful March Break with your families!
Mrs. Petramala👪