Friday, 15 February 2019

Reminders for the week of Feb. 19-22

Next week we will be participating in our Winter Carnival.  It is going to be so much fun!  On Friday, February 22, we will be participating in outdoor activities.  Please remember to have your child dress appropriately to be outside.  Extra mitts will be helpful that day! 
Here are some other exciting upcoming events next week!
1) No school on Monday - it's Family Day!
2) Tuesday is Day 4 of our cycle
3) Poetry Folders went home today and they are due back on Tuesday
4) All week hot chocolate will be sold at lunch recess for 50 cents
5) Popcorn is sold every Tues/Thurs for $1
6) No MWW words next week, it's a short week :)
7) Please return the brown envelope that the report card came in, we need it for June
8) Spirit Days for next week are:
Tuesday - Winter Hat and Scarf Day
Wednesday- French t-shirt day
Thursday - Snowflake Day and PJ day!
Friday- Hoodie Day and dress to be outside (weather permitting of course)

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or ask.
Have a wonderful Family Day weekend with your children.
Mrs. Petramala