Friday, 10 May 2019

Reminders for the week of May 13-17

Hi Families!
We want to wish all our Mom's a Happy Mother's Day!  We worked hard on your gift and made it all with love!  We hope you find some time to relax on Sunday!
Here are some reminders for our upcoming week.
1) Monday is Day 1 of our cycle and it's Library.  Keep up the daily reading.  We are using our strategies to decode unfamiliar words and are using expression too!  I am so proud of how far we have come!
2) Please sign and return the yellow Health Form as soon as possible  Thank you!
3) Grade One Trip form is paid on school cash on line and the white form is due back to school as well.  Thank you!
4) Tuesday and Thursdays is Tuck Shop.  Popcorn and treats are sold for $1
5) MWW worksheet is due by Friday
6) JUMP ROPE for HEART folders went home yesterday.  There are prizes for dollar amounts.  All proceeds go to funding for Heart research.  Hand in as soon as possible. Our Jump Rope Day is in June.
7) Our Palooza is on June 14.  If you could donate your time to help out with an event, your time would be greatly appreciated.  There are 3 time slots available.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the office or any parent on parent council.  We are seeking help especially for the inflatables
Wishing all our Mom's a very Happy Mother's Day.  Have a wonderful weekend with your children!
Mrs. Petramala