Friday, 3 May 2019

reminders for the week of May 6-10th

Hello Families!
For the month of May, we are learning about the Character Trait Perseverance.  We will stick to a goal and finish what we started even if no one is watching!  We are now reading to self for a stamina of 13 minutes!  Keep up the daily reading!
Here are some reminders for our upcoming week:
1) Monday is Day 1 of our cycle and it's Library
2) We will be celebrating our Wellness Day school wide on Tuesday, May 7.  We will be engaging in various activities throughout the day around 'Wellness'
3) We will have our Jump Rope for Heart kick off on May 9.  Look for the Heart and Stroke Fundraiser envelope next week.
4) SAVE THE DATE:  Our Hansen Palooza is on Friday, June 14 and if you have any items for the Silent Auction, any donations would be appreciated.  An email blast went out last week regarding this. 
5) Grade One's went home with a Trip form for Willowgrove Farm on June 17.  Please fill out the second sheet and send back to school as soon as possible.  All payments are made on school cash on line.  If you can assist with the trip that day, we would LOVE to have you with us.  We have spots for 2 parent helpers.  Please make sure that you have an up to date Vulnerable Sector Screening that is submitted to the office.  You can speak to any secretary to assist you with this.
Have a wonderful weekend with your children!
Mrs. Petramala