Hello Families:
Please note that there will be no school on Friday November 19 as it is a PA Day. A letter for interviews will be sent home next week. If you prefer to do a phone interview, please let me know in your child's agenda and if you have to change the time please write in their agenda and we will decide on another time together. Here are some reminders for our upcoming week. Remember the sign up was in EDSBY.
1) Monday is Day 2 of our cycle.
2) We will not have any MWW words next week, it's a short week. 😊
3) There is no Library Book exchange next week either. In our Library time (on Wednesday) we will be able to buy from the Book Fair. I have posted the slide to our live stream in our google classroom. Please look there for you to browse and buy virtually if you'd like to ahead of time. Otherwise, your child will be able to purchase items next week live.
4) Our Gym days are Day 4 and Day 5. Please make sure we are dressed to move and groove.
5) Please help your child dress for the weather. We are outside weather permitting for 2 recesses.
Looking forward to speaking with you all next week.
Have a great weekend with your children!
Mrs. Petramala