Monday, 22 November 2021

Our week for November 22-26

 Hello families:

It was so nice to speak and see all of you last week.  We have been working hard and learning lots in our Grade 1/2 classroom.

Here are some reminders for this week.

1) Monday is Day 1 of our cycle.

2) We have Library on Thursday Day 4.  We will be able to exchange our books this week.

3) Our MWW words for Week # 6 are:

Grade 1:  at  be  this  have  big  pig  dig  wig

Grade 2:  be see got she sheep shop queen green bee he  Bonus:  peace feel

The worksheet is due back on Friday.

4) Please dress appropriately for the weather as we are outside for 2 recesses, weather permitting. 

Extra clothes would be helpful too...:)

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or ask.

Have a great week.

Mrs. Petramala