Thursday, 19 January 2023

Our week for January 23-27, 2023

 We are excited to have a Lunar New Year Lion Dance Show on Monday January 23, 2023 @ 2pm in our Gym.  All are welcome to attend!

Here are some other reminders for our upcoming week.  

1) Monday is Day 4 of our cycle.

2) Library is on Day 2 which will be on Thursday.

3) Our Poetry Folders went home this weekend.  Please have your child read our poem and complete the activity sheet with it.  It is due back on Monday.

4) Our Assessment Folders went home too.  Please look at all the awesome work we have done and how we can be more awesome in 2023!

5) Our MWW words for Week # 11 are:  sight words and 'op' family words

there use an each job mob cob rob

6) Our MWW worksheet is due back by Friday. 

7) Please have extra clothes and mitts at school.  Please ask your child if their indoor shoes still fit.  We are growing like weeds.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or ask.

Have a wonderful weekend with your children.  Happy Lunar New Year to all who celebrate!

Mrs. Petramala 🏮