Thursday, 30 January 2025

Our week for February 3-7, 2025


We went home with a Science experiment.  Instructions are in their agendas.  Watch and enjoy their own Water Cycle creations. 

Here are some reminders for our upcoming week.

1) Monday is Day 4 of our cycle and it's Library.

2) Our February newsletter was emailed out through EDSBY on Wednesday of last week.  Our Valentine Friends names are included too.

3) Gym is on Day 2 and 5.  We need appropriate footwear to participate.

4) Our MWW words for Lesson # 45 are: 'sh' words and ๐Ÿ’“words

shop shin shed dish lash crush ๐Ÿ’“ she we

Sentences  1. She has a fish. 2. We go get the trash

Our Decodable Reader is called The Ship   

Our worksheet is due back by Friday.

5) We went home with our Friday Letter and Assessment Folder.  Please look at all our amazing work we have done.  All work can be kept at home. Please return Assessment Folder empty on Monday and return Friday Letter folder too.

6) Wednesday February 5 is Walk to School Day.  It's a SPIRIT DAY TOO!  It's SPORTS DAY or WEAR SCHOOL COLOURS!

Don't forget that Friday January 31 is a PA DAY!

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or ask.

Have a wonderful weekend with your children. 

Happy Lunar New Year to all celebrate.๐Ÿ

Mrs. Petramala ๐Ÿ’ง