Friday, 24 January 2025

Our week for January 27-30, 2025


Happy Lunar New Year to all our families that celebrate.  Please look at the family weekly to see some upcoming events at our school around Lunar New Year.

Here are some reminders for our upcoming week.

1) Monday is Day 5 of our cycle.

2) We have Gym on Day 5 and Day 2.  We need appropriate footwear to participate.

3) We will not be having any MWW words next week as it is a short week.

4) NO School on Friday January 31.  It's a PA Day.

5) We went home with our Friday Letter.  We are learning to 'Think it, Say it, Write it and Re-read our work to make sense.'

6) Over the weekend we are to orally explain how the Water Cycle works.  We will be doing a little experiment too next week aroud the Water Cycle.

7) We are entering Term 2 shortly.  We will be working on new learning goals for reading and writing.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or ask.

Have a wonderful weekend with your children.

Mrs. Petramala 💧