Friday, 15 September 2023

Our week for September 18-21

 Hello Grade One Families:

We had a great week and learned lots.  We had our first Fire Drill too!  Today we went home with our Friday Letter.  Please read with your child and return on Monday with their agenda too.  This is how we will communicate daily with each other.  I will be sending home shortly log in information for your child's gapps account and some programming information too.  Please return their black BEE(Bring Everything Everyday) bag and their agenda daily to school.  Agendas are $6.50 and are payable on School Cash online only.  We were not able to have Library today as we had a Fire Drill practice.  Library will be next cycle.  We will be able to take out 2 Picture Books each week.  Decodable Readers/Sheets will be sent out starting in October.  

1) Monday is Day 5 of our cycle.  

2) We have Gym on Day 4 & 5 (we will need appropriate footwear to participate fully)

3) Library will be on Day 4 

4)Our Sharing Star is due on Monday September 18

5) Friday September 22 is a PA Day.  There will be no school for students.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or ask.

Have a wonderful weekend with your children.

Mrs. Petramala🖉