Hello Grade One Families:
We had a great week of learning! Please note that report cards were sent out electronically. You need to log into your child's gapps account to download. Here are some reminders for our upcoming week.
1) Monday is Day 2 and it's Library day too!
2) Our MWW words for Week # 14 are sight words and 'ug' family words
other about out many bug hug rug mug
Our worksheet will be due back by Friday.
3) Our Assessment Folders went home. Please look at all the amazing work we have done. All work can kept at home. Please return empty on Monday.
4) Our Friday Letters went home too. We are learning to do a Recount of our week. We are learning to THINK IT, SAY IT, WRITE IT and RE-READ to make sense too. We are learning to use a Writer's Checklist too.
5) Please have extra clothes at school at all times for those occasional accidents or if we get wet playing outside.
6) Wednesday March 1 is Walk to School Day and it is a SPIRIT DAY TOO! It will be PLAID DAY!
7) Our monthly newsletter will be going home next week.
8) March Break is from March 13-17, school will resume on Monday March 20.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or ask.
Have a wonderful weekend with your children!
Stay warm!
Mrs. Petramala🧣☕